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产品名称:巴固(霍尼韦尔/斯博瑞安)Söll Xenon 水平生命线系统
Söll Xenon 水平生命线系统是符合EN795标准的水平全自动防坠落挂点装置。与市场上其它竞争产品相比,该产品更符合人体工程学原理,且构件数量更少。
Söll Xenon System is an automatic horizontal anchorage device, which complies with the requirements of EN 795.Compared with other products in the market, Xenon products are designed more ergonomically, and there are fewer components.
Söll Xenon 水平生命线系统适用于在高空的安装、维修和清洁等作业,可以用于工厂、大楼、起重机轨道、飞机修理库、大型体育场馆、火车及车辆地装卸场所等。
Söll Xenon System is used for installation, maintenance and cleaning at height, also in industrial plants, buildings, crane rails, aircraft hangars, big stadium, for loading/unloading of trains and vehicles.
订货号: 按照方案整套订货
Ref. : kit acc. to solution