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产品名称:巴固(霍尼韦尔/斯博瑞安)MiniLite™ 系列坠落制动器 1006100
巴固(霍尼韦尔/斯博瑞安)MiniLite™ 系列坠落制动器 1006102。Honeywell MiniLite™ Fall Limiter 1006102.
·The lightweight, palm-sized self-retracting fall arrest block with a quick activating braking system that limits freefall to centimetres. The 3 metre retractable webbing allows greater freedom of movement. The high-impact composite housing and corrosion resistant interior increase the product durability.
订货号 Ref.:
·1006100 (3.1m) 配安全钩和万向抓钩
·with karabiner and swivel snap hook
·1006101 (3.1m) 配抓钩和万向脚手架挂钩
·with snap hook and swivel scaffold hook
·10 061 02 (3.1m) 配安全钩和抓钩
·with karabiner and snap hook